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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Caprese Triscuits

I love Triscuits. I also find tomatoes, basil, and related foods to be pretty wonderful. When Taylor had a wine and appetizers party the other day I got to experimenting. This dish was really thrown together as I went, so quantities are approximations to the best of my recollection.

Also, confession time: I didn't use real Triscuits. The organic equivalents were on sale at my co-op (and they are better).


1 boxTriscuits (about 35 unbroken crackers)
3Roma Tomatoes (any fleshy variety will work)
1 handfulFresh Basil (about a tenth of a pound)
2 handfulsPine Nuts
2 handfulsShredded Mozarella Cheese
1 large cloveGarlic
Olive Oil
Basalmic Vinegar

Eat all broken Triscuits. Preheat oven to HOT. Place Triscuits in a lattice on a basing sheet. Mince together basil, garlic, and pine nuts into a sticky paste. Add oil and vinegar in equal amounts until the paste can be easily manipulated with a spoon, about a tablespoon of each. Divide equally among Triscuits. Slice tomatoes to 1cm thickness then cut each slice into quarters. Apply one slice firmly to each Triscuit on top of paste. Sprinkle mozzarella over Triscuits. Bake such that the cheese melts but the tomatoes do not dry out, about 5 minutes. Eat soon afterward with a variety of wines. Then tell me which combines best with it.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Every cooking blog worth its salt (har har har) has pictures. So make with the photography! I know you have the skills.

    2. Pine nuts can get awful expensive ($25/lb last I saw), so you can substitute walnuts for a less expensive, earthier flavor.

    3. I imagine these tasted awesome. Maybe that should have been item number one.
