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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Most Terrifying Thing

Take about half of a jelly jar and fill it with vodka (as cheap as possible). Add two sliced cloves of garlic and two seeded chopped habaneros. Let sit.

This was originally intended to be a beverage. I thought a bit of spice would perhaps distract from the cheapness of the vodka. Perhaps it would make for a very exciting shot, I thought. Note that it originally had only a fraction of that much spice. And hey, they had chili vodka in Hungary.

It proved to be quite strong, even at the original small dose of pepper. And it turns out that the spiciness didn't cover the bad taste of the vodka; it just added a horrifyingly potent aftertaste.

It gets stronger as it sits. This has been in my fridge for about a week. This morning I dipped the tip of my little finger in it for the tiniest of tastes. It woke me right up.

The plan now is to let it sit. Eventually it may be convenient to basically have liquid spice sitting around. it's basically some sort of sadistic cooking wine. Alternatively, it's an invisible way to do something terrible to someone's food or beverage. But that would be pretty mean.


  1. Hey I just ran over to your apartment to try this thing WITHOUT YOU KNOWING. I liked it! Strong peppery garlic water....what more do you need?
