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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Data Point 2

I have recently been told that Ghiradelli makes flat out the best boxed brownies. They were on sale so I bought some. However, since I had limited brownie making time before the swing dance last night I have not yet put them to the test.

I made the ones I had around which required the least amount of baking time: Target brand dark chocolate. Same scoop recipe-wise as in the past: recommended number of eggs, half a stick of butter, and the rest of the wet ingredients replaced with applesauce. Tub cream cheese frosting and dried cranberries.

Becca rates these "one hundred fold" better than the zeroth batch, which I imagine also puts them above the middle batch which were marginally better than the zeroth. The consensus was also that the density of cranberries should be increased, perhaps drastically. I have divided an 8 ounce package between three pans of brownies but I think it would be more appropriate to use at least half of a package at a time, if not more.

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